
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6 months old

Our little baby is growing up!! July 27th she turned 6 months old. I can't believe how time has flown. She is now sitting up on her own, rolling from one end of the living room to the other, getting up on all fours (but can't figure out crawling just yet), and making all kinds of sounds. We took her to the doctor today and she now weighs 21 lbs and 14 oz and is 27 and 1/8 in long. She had 2 shots and one orally and everything looks great. Our next project is getting her to sleep through the night. The doctor told us that she is in the habit of eating twice in the night and that is why she is waking up. So starting tonight we are gradually decreasing her milk until she doesn't take it anymore. Please pray that this works. We could use a full nights sleep!
We started back to work last week and have been leaving her with Justin's mom. Reagan has done well and loves it when her cousin Austin stays with her. Starting next week we are going to take her to a day care once a week, not only to give Shirley a break but also for socialization. She loves kids and I think she will enjoy being there. (I hope anyway.)

1 comment:

Laura said...

The last picture is great! It is so amazing how fast they grow!