
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Santa....

Reagan has already been thinking about what she wants for Christmas this year....a race car. She even wrote a letter to Santa complete with stickers! Sooooo, me and Justin have talked about it and we hate the idea of spending $400 on a car so we thought about looking on Craigs List or maybe a consignment store. Well Justin was running errands in town the other day and happens to see a used car sitting out with the trash in someones yard. He goes to the their door and asks if they are getting rid of it and if so can he have it. The man said it was 19 years old and the charger and battery didn't work anymore. Well Justin thought he could fix it up and buy a charger and battery and that would be alot cheaper than buying a new one. So long story short he washes it and does some research online. The next morning I got to sleep in (I think for the first time all summer) and Justin tells me that they got it running and want to show it to me. Here is what I find...

Her Santa Claus letter

Look at the excitement on that face!

Here we go!

I laughed so much I could hardly breathe! Poor Reagan thought she was really controlling this car. She had a GREAT ride all around the yard!

Seriously...are we really that cheap?????

Before you start feeling too sorry for her we found a car at Wal-Mart on sale that we are buying her for Christmas. In the meantime I think this will do :)

1 comment:

The Birds said...

That is awesome!! I can't wait for Jeff to read this....he will crack up! WE all think just alike!